Thursday, November 02, 2006

Isn't it glorious

to sit in 102 degree water when it is darn near freezing outside. Slightly worried about the new traffic signals with the BIG camera on top that could conceivably see over my fence. Maybe, I should invest in a swimsuit. NYAH, that would be practical. Maybe, that is why I like sitting in the hottub. It isn't practical. Anyone reading this wonders where I have found the free 5 minutes to type about practicality. Fortunately I can type really fast, thank you Western Union. So, back to the practical thing. It really is glorious to stop and "whatever" (you fill in the blank). For me it is to look at the sky and thank God for the stars, and the moon that is shining so brightly that the darkness can't hide the fact that I don't have on a swimsuit, and I rely on that :) Just to stop and wonder. I don't stop enough. I can hear a couple of friends thinking "ain't that the truth!" When I stop, I procrastinate, and I don't like that. I am a doer. Doing nothing, like playing solitare for hours, makes me feel guilty. I guess that I shouldn't. Even God rested and he was, IS, a lot busier that me, but he at least finished the job first.

I really do wonder enough though. Sometimes I wonder enough that I drive myself and everyone around me nuts. But if I don't STOP when I wonder, then I lose focus. Sounds like a vicious cycle.

So, am I alone on this?

So, now I wonder....... if more of my wonder was on God if I wouldn't lose focus when I stop.

Then I hear God say "STOP, now listen"

Boy, now I am in a pickle!

Solitaire anyone?